29 August، 2021

His Excellency the Minister of Education while Presiding a Virtual Meeting of the Committee of Deans of Medical Colleges Praises the Important Role of Deans at this Stage and Their Ability to Pass it Successfully

His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof Dr Nabil K. Abdel-Saheb, praised the important role played by the deans of medical colleges in Iraq on the evening of Friday, 20th August 2021. ​His Excellency while chairing a virtual meeting of the committee of deans of medical colleges (which lasted about four hours) valued the ability of the deans to pass this stage easily and successfully. The meeting was attended by the Head of the Committee, Prof Dr Anis Kh. Nayel (Dean of the College of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University), and the members of the committee (the deans of the medical colleges), including the Dean of the College of Medicine, University of Mosul, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednather Saeed.

Regarding the clinical exams currently underway for the sixth grade, His Excellency stressed the need to deal wisely in their exams as they had acquired basic knowledge before, and that education would continue with them in their working lives because they are students who are about to graduate. In a related context, it was also emphasized regarding the students of the first grades and how to look at them objectively and that they are the basic building blocks of the college later.

With regard to the upcoming academic year 2021-2022, His Excellency directed that it be a school year with its usual timings in terms of its beginning and end, and for the undergraduate and higher studies alike provided that the basic subjects are taught in attendance style. As for the materials that are presented virtually, it is also possible to present some of them in attendance especially if the vaccination rate has reached more than 70% after taking the opinion of the Supreme Authority for Health and Safety. It was also directed to coordinate the schedules of the weekly lectures to serve the educational process (on the one hand) and reduce the burden on the university and the accommodations (on the other). He added that it is important to integrate with the Ministry of Health in meeting the needs of medical colleges as well as the cooperation and the commitment of professors of specialized colleges with educational hospitals in light of the health challenges facing the country.

The Minister of Education directed the Committee of deans of medical colleges to develop an integrated and strategic plan that covers the country’s needs in the disciplines required by the next five- and ten-year plan at the level of staffing, hospitals, devices and laboratory equipment.

The meeting also discussed some other items related to postgraduate studies, exam centres for students of certificate equivalency, enabling students to achieve the goals of medical education, working on developing curricula through the relevant committees, creating private medical colleges, not compromising approved standards and determinants, interfering with science, and enhancing requirements for medical specializations among others.

After that, there was a chance for comments and questions from the attendees. Among the speakers was the Dean of the College of Medicine, University of Mosul, as he talked on the subject of classrooms, the original location of the college (on the right side of the city of Mosul), the reconstruction process, special issues related to reliability, and the continuation of e-learning or not (and for some subjects). The minister responded adequately to all proposals and questions that were submitted in accordance with the frameworks, instructions in force in this regard in a manner that enhances the prestigious scientific status of the College of Medicine of University of Mosul in particular and of all universities of Iraq as a whole.

