24 February، 2021

His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education during his Presidency of a Hypothetical Meeting of the Medical College Deans Committee Confirms his Confidence in the Medical Outputs in Iraq

His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof Dr Nabil K. Abdel-Saheb, affirmed his confidence in the medical outputs in Iraq on Saturday,13th February 2021. His Excellency praised during his presidency of a hypothetical meeting of the Medical College Deans ’ Committee the role of deanships with the teaching staff and they all bear the burdens of this period during the Corona pandemic (on the one hand) ), and the increasing number of admissions (on the other hand). The meeting was attended by the chairman of the committee, Prof Dr Anis Kh. Nayel (Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Nahrain University), and the deans of medical colleges including the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Mosul, Prof Dr Basil M. Nathir Saeed. Regarding the possibility of Iraqi medical colleges losing accreditation standards, it was emphasized that this topic is inaccurate and not as mentioned in some media platforms. On the contrary, the exact opposite is true. The self-evaluation study that tops the requirements for accreditation has been completed and made good steps in this direction. On the axis of the new wave of Corona, the attendees emphasized that they stand together with the decisions of the Crisis Cell especially since medical schools are closer to the health and medical reality than other colleges or specialties. For their part, the deans affirmed to go ahead in maintaining the sober scientific level while taking all necessary health precautions that protect students and teaching staff alike.

