21 June، 2020

Resuming Complementary Exams (Fourth Trial) for the Academic Year 2018-2019 Electronically

Under the supervision and follow-up of the Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof Dr Basil M. Natheer Saeed, the complementary exams (4th trial) has been resumed in the College of Medicine on Sunday, 14th June 2020. Virtually, the exam has been started at 4:00PM with Biochemistry (Second stage), Medicine (4th stage). The exam has been fulfilled via Google classroom platform and lasted 3 hours. The exam is also followed-up by the Scientific Vice-Dean, associate Prof Dr Humman Gh. Ibrahim, the chair of the Examination Committee, associate Prof Dr Mazin M. al-Sarraf, Supporting Technical Committee including assistant lecturer Firas M. Saeed, assistant chief –engineer, Hussein N. Saleh as well as heads and teaching staff of the examined departments. Moreover, the exam has been done smoothly and successfully.Resuming Complementary Exams

