17 June، 2021

Resumption Blended Learning in the College of Medicine

The various scientific departments of the College of Medicine have resumed giving lectures in the blended mode (attendance and electronic), as of Saturday, 5th June 2021 in accordance with the recent ministerial instructions in force regarding the colleges of medicine. It has been started to give practical laboratories in attendance for the first, second, and third school stages, while adhering to health preventive measures with the continuation of theoretical lectures electronically. The matter has not changed much pertaining to the fourth, fifth and sixth stages who are continuing their clinical training in hospitals (and also with adherence to the mentioned procedures).

In this context, the deanship of the college affirms that it will do all its best in order to preserve our students medically and healthily along with keenness to advance them scientifically and academically. They are our children, and taking care of them is our responsibility (and their responsibility to themselves).

The Department of Media and Public Relations of the College has documented in pictures some of the practical lectures for medical physics and medical physiology for the first and second stages (respectively). Wish our dear students of success.

