19 July، 2020

Starting the Final Exams of the College of Medicine for the Academic Year 2019 – 2020 Electronically

With the follow-up of the President of the University, Prof Dr Qusay K. al-Ahmadi, the Vice President for Scientific Affairs, Prof Dr Munir S. Taha, and the Dean of the College, Prof Dr Basil M. Natheer Saeed, and under the direct supervision of the Vice- Dean for Scientific Affairs, AssistantProf Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim; the final examinations of the College of Medicine for the academic year 2019 – 2020 has been started electronically on Sunday, 12th July 2020. Today, the first exam included the exam for chemistry (for the first stage) and pathology (for the third stage). The exam students entered the exam platform prepared for each subject through the official university e-mail that was recently created for them. While the exam was being held, the president of the university and the Vice – president for Scientific Affairs kindly conducted direct meetings with the students. On the other hand, the students expressed their satisfaction with the smooth flow of the exam, and the examination will proceed without any obstacles. This, and the examination was attended by the head Rapporteur and general teaching staff of the two departments pertaining to the exam.

