23 July، 2020

Take the Final Theoretical Exam for the Iraqi Board Student for ENT Surgery

With the follow-up of the dean of the College of Medicine, Professor Dr. Basil M.Nathir Saeed electronically, and in the presence of the Administrative Vice-Dean, assistant Prof Dr Hazim Kh. al-Allaf, the final theoretical examination of the Iraqi Board student for Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery, Sahira Ali Ahmed took place on Wednesday, 15th July 2020. The exam consisted of two parts, for each part a test paper, and it lasted a whole two and a half hours (except for a break). In completion of the aforementioned exam, a practical exam will be held as part of the requirements for obtaining a board certificate. The examination was also attended by the official of the Iraqi Board of Otolaryngology, Prof Dr Ali A. Muhammad, and one of teaching staff of the Surgery department, assistant Prof Dr Haitham A. al-Nuri. For more information and watch video, click here.
