12 December، 2020

The Annals of the College of Medicine: form from the Rubble to the Doorstep of Scopus

When the supreme presidential orders were issued to resume working hours at University of Mosul in the fall of 2017 after three lean years, most of the university’s colleges returned to their original sites after completing the restoration of its buildings and repairing its halls and laboratories, except for the Faculty of Medicine, University of Mosul! In light of the severe shortage that the university as a whole experienced in buildings, equipment and supplies at the time, a small building was prepared for the deanship, departments and some of the college’s divisions! It is formerly the Medical Centre of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Nineveh (currently student affairs building – 2020). Amid these difficult conditions that were endured by the university and college alike, the Annals of the College of Medicine found itself homeless! In addition to a significant loss and regression it received, as a result of the suspension of publication in it since 2013. The Deanship of the College realized the gravity of the situation and took many administrative and technical practical steps, the most important of which was the restructuring of the editorial board. It was entrusted to Prof Dr Imad Abdul Jabbar Thanoun from the Department of Pharmacology the journal’s presidency with a number of distinguished teaching staff from various scientific departments especially in the research and academic fields as well as distinguished administrative and technical cadres. The editorial board took the assignment order seriously, and its meetings followed one after the other to give birth to the journal again after a clinical forced death that was written on it (and on the whole college). Initially, a room was designated in the College of Pharmacy, University of Mosul, to hold these meetings. Then it quickly transferred its meetings to the council room (in the deanship building at the time) due to the difficulty of permanent access to the College of Pharmacy due to the relatively distance, and the journal’s needs to communicate with the Deanship directly. These efforts culminated quickly with the release of volume 40 in its first and second copies during the year 2018. And so it did in 2019 when volume 41 was published, as well as in its first and second numbers. These efforts culminated quickly with the release of volume 40 in its first and second copies during the year 2018. And so it did in 2019 when volume 41 was published as well as in its first and second numbers. After the Deanship moved to a new building at the end of 2019, a separate room was prepared for the journal to continue its shine and generosity. With the circumstances of the Corona pandemic that swept the world in 2020, the journal continued its activities by issuing its first issue of volume 42. And it is now (at the time of writing this report in December 2020) awaiting the issuance of the second issue, so that the journal will return to its previous scenario in the regularity of its publications as it is a pioneering accredited journal, the roots of its first foundation dating back more than fifty years ago. The journal was not satisfied with its regular publication, but also aspired to reach the highest levels of global scientific recognition. Starting from, an official website for journal (website) was created in Arabic and English at the end of 2019. The journal also succeeded in entering into the classification of the Open Access Journals Directory (DOAJ) Directory of Open Access Journals as the (DOAJ) is considered of the global databases and that occurred is in the middle of the year 2020 (despite the circumstances of the Corona pandemic). The journal then entered the COPS test which is the final stop being one of the final requirements for later entry into Scopus containers. Until then, we will remain waiting for this remarkable scientific footprint for university and college in general, and for the journal itself in particular, and at that time we will say words of a special kind and taste, and we are waiting.

