4 August، 2021

The College of Medicine Achieves the First Place in Sports at University Level for the Academic Year 2020-2021, and the Deanship Congrats

The College of Medicine achieved the first place in sports at university level for the academic year 2020-2021. This occurred according to the arrangement announced by the University’s Student Activities Department on 11th July 2021. The college students had participated in table tennis, tennis, badminton and chess, gaining 86 points (first place), while engineering achieved the second place, then the College of Arts achieved the third place, and so on. This is a remarkable result as it is happening for the first time. This success is due to God Almighty first, and then to the support provided by the Dean of the College, represented by Prof Dr Basil Mohammednather Saeed, and the Scientific and Administrative Vice-Dean for all sports and extracurricular activities in general. In turn, the Deanship valued this wonderful result for our dear students, wishing them continued success in all fields and levels. At the same time, it extended its high thanks and appreciation to the Director of Student Activities in the college, the Lecturer Dr Muhammad Kh. Saleh and for his tremendous efforts which culminated in crowning the college with this great result.

