4 February، 2020

The College of Medicine (associate class) Team Achieves its Greatest Triumph in the University Futsal Football Championship

The College of Medicine (Associate Category) team achieved its first victory at its participation in the University Futsal Football Championship, after defeating the team of the College of Sciences with a score of seven goals versus one goal on Tuesday 28 January 2020. The match started smoothly, then the Medical College team controls the situation which scored its first goals in the first half. After the goal, and from a coordinated counterattack, the College of sciences team scored the equalizer. After that, the control returned to the College of Medicine team by scoring two consecutive goals so that the first half ended with the advance of medicine with three goals against one goal. In the second half, the team of the College of medicine closed the backlines (defensive areas) relying on counter-attacks. Then, the team of the College of Medicine exploited the defensive gaps of the opposing team and scored other four goals to end the match with a wide and deserved victory (Seven vs. one). The outstanding of the team of the College of Medicine were the supervisor of the team Dr Mohamed Kh. Saleh where he scored alone four goals (super hat-trick) and the attacking Mr Mohannad A. al-Hebiti who scored two goals, and the captain of the team who only scored one goal. While the goalkeeper Mr Hassan Y. Abdullah was immune from the attacks of the rival team because of the toughness of the defence that was led by Mr Imad A. Hajji, and Mr Hussein Younis, who played offensive and defensive roles, as well as Dr Mohammad S. Aziz who occupied their defences very much due to his offensive moves. Whereas, the team was led from the coach by the trainer Mr Ahmed Matar. The College Deanship congratulates the team for this victory, wishing it and all its members’ good luck. Moreover, the team of the College of Medicine will meet the team of the College of Administration and Economics in the second round of the tournament which is held by the projection system.

