25 January، 2020

The College of Medicine Attends a Workshop at the University Presidency on the Mechanism of Developing Exam Questions

In the presence of the Director of Continuing Education at the Presidency of Mosul University Dr Basima J. Jarjees, the Centre held a workshop entitled “Mechanism for Examining Test Questions” on Monday, 20 January 2020. The workshop included a lecture presented by Dr Munir Salem Taha, the Vice- President of the University for Scientific Affairs on the mechanism for setting questions, their policy, and identifying their types. On the part of the College of Medicine, the Vice- Dean for Administrative Affairs the assistant Prof Dr Hazim Kh. al-Allaf attended the workshop. It also attended by the Registrar Dr Ashraf A. al-Sumaida’i, the Rapporteur of the Department of Paediatrics the Assistant Prof Dr Ghaith W. Hamdoon, from the Department of Medicine the Assistant Prof Dr Arwa M. Fawzi, from the Department of Family and Community Medicine Dr Nadia H. Saeed and other participants from various university colleges. After the lecture, the discussion and inquiries were put through which were raised by the attendees and came up with recommendations related to this matter.

