19 February، 2020

The College of Medicine Attends the University Presidency Meeting with Officials of all Divisions and Media Units

The President of University of Mosul, Prof Dr Qusay K. al-Ahmadi, in the presence of the two Vice- Presidents, chaired a meeting with officials of all divisions and media units on Tuesday, 11 February 2020. The meeting was also attended by the deans of the colleges, among them the Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof Dr Basil M. Natheer Saeed, accompanied with the Official of the College Media, chief engineer Hasan Y. Abdullah. The meeting discussed giving the media at the university and all colleges all the highest importance because it is the link between the presidency and administration of the university and the college (on the one hand), students and the general citizens and society (on the other hand). In the context of talking about colleges and research centres that have an influential media scoop, it is referred more than once to the College of Medicine and its remarkable media among other colleges, especially in terms of the website (in Arabic and English) or via social media (Facebook and YouTube). It was also focussed on completing all requirements of registration of professors in scientific and research portals to raise the university’s evaluation locally, regionally, and internationally.

