22 December، 2020

The College of Medicine Holds a Ceremony to Honor its Retired Affiliates Recently

Under the patronage and presence of the President of the University of Mosul, Prof Dr Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, and under the supervision and presence of the Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof Dr Basil M. Nathir Saeed, the College of Medicine held a special celebration to award its teaching staff and employees who were retired during the years 2019 and 2020 on Sunday December 13th 2020. The ceremony which was led by the Director of the Media and Public Relations Division, Chief Engineer Hasan Y. Abdullah, began with verses of the Holy Qur’an, followed by the assistant lecturer Firas M. Saeed. After that, the Dean delivered the deanship’s speech, while the poet Dr Walid Al-Sarraf delivered a speech and a poem on the occasion. After that, a ceremony was held to distribute honorary shields to the faculty teaching staff and employees who were recently retired, who numbered eighteen professors and twenty-seven employees. On the occasion of the ceremony, officials from the control, Internal Audit, Human Resources and Accounts Divisions and some other employees who had the most prominent role in completing the retirement transactions were awarded in this ceremony. The ceremony was concluded with a speech by the Administrative Vice- Dean, Assistant Prof Dr Hazim Kh. Al-Allaf.y. The celebration was attended by members of the college council and a group of faculty teaching staff and employees.

