19 April، 2021

The College of Medicine Virtually Hosts the Classera Project Manager in Africa and Middle East

The College of Medicine hosted, in a virtual meeting, Classera Projects Director in Africa and the Middle East Mr Amer Hakim on Saturday 10th April 2021.

The purpose of the meeting was to present the characteristics of the Classera learning platform compare it with the rest of the other platforms in terms of capacity and technical features especially during lectures or exams.

It is found that the one platform can accommodate about 300 students for every single instructor for an unlimited period of time. The manager also undertook to train an intermediate technical cadre between the college (on the one hand) and Classera (on the other hand). It is mentioned in this regard that this platform is now approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Education and has a wide practical application in the United States, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and a number of Maghreb countries.

The meeting was held under the patronage and attendance of the Dean of the College, Prof Dr Basil M. Nathir Saeed, the Scientific Vice-Dean, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim, and a number of people and scientific divisions and units in the college.

