12 December، 2019

The Computer Unit Holds a Seminar on the Electronic Test Program

The Computer Unit held a seminar on the electronic test program on Sunday, November 24, 2019, in the presence of the Vice- Dean for Scientific Affairs, Assist. Prof Dr Humam Gh. Zubeer, and the Computer Unit Official, Assist Lecturer Mona Zidan. The assist Prof Ruqaya Zaidan and the assistant. Lecturer Raghad M. Suleiman alternated to present the seminar. It was clarified how to prepare questions and publish the test electronically through the menu of the “Quiz Creator” program, after that it was allowed to attendees to discuss and made question. The Deanship of the Computer Unit, the People, and the relevant departments recommended to continue in delivering such seminars in this regard until to implement it reality in the near future. Among the attendees were the Head of the Scientific Affairs Division Dr Rana Mumtaz and the Head of the Scholarships and Cultural Relations Division Dr Omaima A. Zubir, and a number of the College of Medicine and Nursing for the Mosul and Nineveh universities.

