8 May، 2020

The Deanship of the College of Medicine Directs a Thankful letter to a Number of College Members

The Deanship of the College of Medicine directed a thankful letter and appreciation to a number of the college’s teaching staff on 3rd May 2020. The thankful letter was directed to the associate Prof. Dr Nada Ali Ahmed (Dept. of Paediatrics), the lecturer Dr Omaima A. Ibrahim (Dept. of Family and Community Medicine), the lecturer Dr Muhammad H. al Saati (Dept. of Medicine), and the lecturer Dr Rawa A. Hamid (Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology). This thankful letter and appreciation comes with the good efforts made by them in preparing and giving video lectures on fasting and Ramadan, each according to its specialization. Congratulations to the teaching staff aforementioned, wishing them further success. To see the videos, click here.
