3 December، 2020

The Deanship of the College of Medicine Holds a Meeting with a Number of Students from the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Stages

The Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof Dr Basil M. Nathir Saeed, and the Scientific Vice-Dean, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim chaired a consultative meeting with a group of college students for the second, third, fourth and fifth stages on Sunday, November 22th2020. The meeting discussed the process and experience of e-learning, then electronic exams, and the positives, notes, and exceptions for the past academic year 2019-2020, and how to get benefit from them for the new academic year. The Dean stressed the need to activate the role of self-education for students as it is one of the requirements for accreditation by increasing the effectiveness of students in theoretical lectures and developing them under the supervision and review of the relevant instructor from all aspects especially the scientific and linguistic ones. Also, it is essential to develop and improve the technical and aesthetic capabilities of the lecture in a way that secures its access in an interesting and useful way together for the student to give a bright and civilized picture of the college and its lectures, and in a way that supports success the next academic year 2020-2021, which will depend on integrated learning (electronically and in attendance). The meeting was also attended by Officials of Divisions of Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation, and Media and Public Relations.

