24 June، 2021

The Department of Microbiology Holds Three Student Seminars Virtually

The Department of Microbiology held three virtual student seminars that dealt with various topics related to microbiology and the diseases it causes.

On Saturday, 29th May 2021, two seminars were presented. The first was presented by students, Hakam S. Khairallah, Hazim M. Ali, Muhammad U. Abdul Hamid, Ahmad B. Ahmad, Anas Gh. Basil, Obaidah A. Hazim, Mustafa A. Mahmoud, Hassan A. Muhammad, Harith M. Hazim, entitled “Toxic Shock Syndrome” The second was presented by students Ghasq A. Salih, Nour N. Sarkah, Farah A. Hassan, Reem H. Hassan, Wafa S. Abdullah and Yasmine M. Asak, entitled “COVID-19 Vaccines”. Both seminars were supervised by the Head of the Department, the Lecturer Dr Asma’ Z. Sheetawi.

On Wednesday, 9th June 2021, the third seminar was presented by students Ahmed Th. Ahmed, Ahmed I. Ali, Anas A. Muzaffar, Mustafa M. Hamed, Sarah Z. Hussein and Maryam M. Hekmat, entitled “Acute Lung Injury” under the supervision of the Lecturer Dr Ahmed A. Al-Harbi.

The purpose of these student scientific seminars is to expand students’ knowledge about various topics in medical microbiology while discussing various topics related to them. Among the attendees were the head, the rapporteur and the teaching staff of the department as well as the students of the third stage.

