1 July، 2021

The Department of Surgery Discusses a Student Seminar Deals with Clinical Description of a Patient with a Pediatric Intussusception

A student seminar for the Department of Surgery discussed the clinical description of the patient with Pediatric Intussusception on Sunday, 20th June 2021. The methods of diagnosis and treatment were also discussed.

The aim of the seminar is that the early diagnosis of the aforementioned disease is of great importance because it is a major reason to avoid complications resulting from the interference of the intestines as an example of intestinal gangrene.

It was found that early diagnosis of the disease is very important. it is possible to treat this condition by non-surgical methods such as pneumatic reduction to reduce the risk of surgical complications.

The seminar, which was headed by the experienced Prof Dr Abdulrahman A. Al-Shahwani, was presented by a group of sixth-grade students under the supervision of the department’s Lecturer Dr Ubay A. Aida’n. It was attended by the general teaching staff of the department as well as sixth stage students (the surgery group in particular).

