18 December، 2020

The Division of Oversight and Internal Audit Performs Bonuses and Promotions Transactions

The Division of Oversight and Internal Audit in the College of Medicine performed the transaction of promotions and bonuses of all its affiliates in December 2020. Regarding this, the administrative orders issued by the Division of Human Resources were audited. Likewise, the work of Account’s Division in disbursing the allowances and promotions dues and accumulated from the due date were also audited. Also, marking the transferring of amounts on the salary rolls has been completed in order to disburse them with the salary of December 2020. The division is headed by Mrs. Nadia F. Khalil, Senior Accounts Manager, with her accountant Badr W. Badr, and Accountant Asma Sh. Sheit. The deanship and faculty members bless all the good and sincere efforts, and ask Allah Almighty help and success.

