15 February، 2020

The Division of Sports Activities of the College of Medicine Contributes to the Arbitration of Some University Championship Matches of Futsal Football for Teaching Staff and Employees

A futsal soccer match was held between the teams of the College of Arts and the Presidency of Mosul University on Tuesday, 4 February 2020. The arbitration of this match was entrusted to the Head of the Division of Sports Activities at the College of Medicine, the lecturer Dr Mohammad Kh. Salih, with another ruling. While the rule of the table was a teaching staff of Physical Education for the College of Medicine, Mr. Ahmed Matar. The aforementioned match resulted in winning the presidential team eight goals against two goals. This match is part of the University of Mosul football championship for college and staff. It is worth noting that it is not the only time for the two men to referee matches. It is expected to assign them to a number of other matches coming.

