19 June، 2021

The Fifth Meeting of the Ear, Nose and Throat Division with the Journal Club for Board Students Deals with How to Write a Scientific Research

The fifth meeting of the Ear, Nose and Throat Division with the Journal Club for Iraqi and Arab Board Students for the academic year 2020-2021 dealt with how to write a scientific research and postgraduate theses in a systematic way on Wednesday, 9th June 2021.

It aimed to educate postgraduate students in the Iraqi and Arab board programs with the solid scientific foundations that must be available in writing theses, university theses, and research in general.

The meeting consisted of, which was chaired by the Scientific Vice-Dean Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim, from one lecture delivered by the Official of the Iraqi Board in ear, nose and throat surgery (Mosul Training Centre) Prof Dr Ali A. Mohammed (from the Department of Surgery) entitled “How to Write a Scientific Paper”. The meeting was considered joint meeting with professors and students of the Iraqi and Arab Board of Pathology. After the lecture, discussions, and interpositions were held by the attendees.

On the side-lines of the work, the Scientific Vice-Dean, was honoured with a souvenir gift from the aforementioned division presented to him by the Dean of the College, Prof Dr Basil M. Nathir Saeed, due to his distinguished scientific efforts and the sustainable knowledge spaces that he provides whether at the college and university level (on the one hand), or the board and graduate studies programs (on the one hand). Among the attendees were many officials, supervisors and trainers as well as postgraduate students, the Iraqi and Arab Board of the above-mentioned specializations, and a number of heads, rapporteurs and teaching staff of the Colleges of Medicine of Mosul and Nineveh Universities.

