7 November، 2020

The Official of the Media and Public Relations Division of the College of Medicine Attends Meeting at the Presidency of the University of Mosul

The Department of Media and Public Relations of University of Mosul held an expanded meeting with officials of the Media Divisions in the university’s research colleges and centers, on Tuesday, October 27th 2020. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Muhammad Fadil Abdullah, Director of the Department, where the directions of the President of the University, Prof Dr Qusay K. Al-Ahmadi, regarding activating the role of the media divisions in following up on scientific activities, focusing on community service activities, communicating with the media department in the presidency, and keeping up with events on a daily basis were discussed. On the side of the College of Medicine, the meeting was attended by the head of the department, head of engineers, Hassan Y. Abdullah. With regard to the ministry’s directives, the necessity of adherence to them was emphasized, while providing the department with future activities and events and professional coverage for them. The meeting was also attended by media and relations officials, the university channel and the website.

