19 December، 2020

The Quality Assurance Division Launches an Electronic Form to Communicate with College Graduates

The Quality Assurance and Performance Assessment Division at the College of Medicine launched an electronic form to communicate with college graduates for the academic year 2019-2020 for the Academic Year 2019-2020. The aim of this form is to maintain continuous communication between the college on one hand and its graduates on the other hand, and to open direct communication channels with them in order to involve them in the various activities that will be held in the future. The students welcomed this initiative, and they began actually filling out the form after coordination with their representative, stressing their desire to continue communicating with their mother college, and to benefit from the experiences of their professors, who were credited with teaching them medical sciences and training them for six years. The graduates of the previous academic year were chosen as a model only. In the event of a response, the idea will be generalized to all previous years.

