28 February، 2021

Three Virtual Student Seminars of the Department of Microbiology Discuss the Topics of Coronavirus, Interferon Protein and Poliovirus

The Department of Microbiology held three virtual student seminars on topics of Corona virus, interferon protein and poliovirus.

On Sunday, 14th February 2021 the seminar entitled “Coronavirus” was presented by students Lubna Nazar, Namariq Rakan, Manar Ghazi, Virgin Hazim, Shahd Hasan, and Teba Abdulaziz, under the supervision of the teacher, Dr Ansam Muhammad Hamdoun. The composition of the Corona virus, its methods of transmission, symptoms of infection and how to prevent it were discussed.

On Tuesday,16th February 2021 two seminars were presented. The students presented Teba M. Younis, Ola F. Mahmoud, Balsam B. Abdul Sattar, Yara H. Abdul Majeed, Rafal A. Najeeb, Raghad A. Muslim, Rand M. Abdel Moneim, and Maryam Z. Mazin the seminar entitled “Interferons” under the supervision of the lecturer Dr Ikram Kh. Al-Haso. The seminar discussed the types and structure of the immune interferon protein, and its role in treating various immune and viral diseases.

In the same context, another seminar was presented by female students Tejan Kh. Jassim, Rahma A. Salim, Amna Y. Taha, Aya F. Ahmed, Sarra M. Saadallah, Rahma O. Mahmoud, Bara E. Zaki entitled “Poliovirus” and under the supervision of the lecturer Dr Ahmed M. Hayaawy. The seminar discussed the composition of the polio virus, how it is transmitted, and the types of vaccines used to prevent it.

These seminars were held in the presence of the head, rapporteur and the general teaching staff of the department as well as the students of the third stage. Its establishment is of great importance as it benefits the students in terms of expanding their horizons of scientific and academic knowledge (on the one hand), and encourages them to rely on themselves in giving lectures (on the other hand).

