16 August، 2021

Two Members of Teaching Staff from the College of Medicine Attend the Closing of Digital Education Programs between University of Mosul and French Side

The University of Mosul held a ceremony for the end of the digital education project, which lasted three years, in cooperation between the university and the French side, represented by the Department of Cooperation and Cultural Activity in the French Embassy in Iraq, the Francophone University Agency, the Middle East Office in Lebanon, and Rennes 1 University, France on Tuesday, 3rd August 2021.

The ceremony was attended virtually by Prof Dr Alaa Abdel-Hasan, Advisor of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Ms Salwa Nakouzi, Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Activity at the French Embassy in Baghdad, Ms Meryl Hessler, Vice President of Rennes 1 University for International Relations, and Mr Jean-Noel Paliot, Director of the Regional Office in the Middle East of the University Agency Francophonie. Meanwhile, the President of University, Prof Dr Qusay K. Al-Ahmadi, distributed the certificates of the participants in the courses along with the Scientific Assistant, Prof Dr Munir S.Taha. On the part of the College of Medicine, University of Mosul, it was attended by the Lecturer Dr Muhammad S. Aziz, from the Department of Surgery and the Assistant Lecturer, Firas M. Saeed, from the Department of Family and Community Medicine as they were the participants representing the college in these digital courses.

