2 May، 2021

Two Students’ Seminars of the Department of Medicine Deal with the Topics of Paraplegia and Diabetes

The Department of Medicine held two students’ seminars that dealt with the topics of paraplegia and diabetes transplantation on Thursday 22nd April 2021.

The thirty-seventh seminar entitled “Management of Paraplegia” was presented by the students: Uday Duraid, Abdullah Samir, Abd al-Rahman Emad, Omar Azzam and Muhammad Luay, and under the supervision of the Lecturer Dr Yahya Qassim. In view of the distinguished seminar presented, the students were honoured with a copy of the latest edition of Davidson’s book by the Assist. Prof Dr Ismail D. Saeed.

After that, the thirty-eighth seminar entitled “Management of Diabetes Mellitus” was presented by the students: Atheer Ismail, Ahmad Muhammad, Asma’ Ahmad and Burhan Ghazi and Tawbah Gh. Dhiyab, and under the supervision of the Lecturer Dr Muhammad Kh. Hajj Hammo.

This scientific activity is part of the academic requirements for sixth year students. Among the attendees was the Head of the Department, Prof Dr Khalid N. Mustafa as well as the general teaching staff, and students of the aforementioned stage (medicine group in particular).

