8 April، 2021

Two Students’ Seminars of the Department of Medicine Discuss Haemoptysis and Tuberculosis

The Department of Medicine held two student seminars that dealt with haemoptysis and tuberculosis, on Thursday, 25th March 2021.

The 29th seminar titled “Approach to Patient with Haemoptysis” was presented by the students: Asma’ W. Jalil, Amna T. Muhammad, Aya M. Muhammad, and Zainab Nofal under the supervision of the Assistant Prof Dr Rami M. Adel Al-Hayali.

After that, the thirtieth seminar titled “Tuberculosis” was presented by students: Ali Abdel Hamid, Sarah S. Abdel Razzaq, Taha S. Nafeh, Abdullah B. Aziz, and Abdullah M. Osama under the supervision of the Assistant Prof Dr Ismail D. Saeed.

This scientific activity is part of the academic requirements for undergraduate students of sixth stage. Among the attendees was the Head of the Department, Prof Dr Khalid N. Mustafa as well as the general teaching staff and students of the aforementioned stage (medicine group in particular).

