Top graduation progects


Department of Performing Arts 2022-2023

The rhythm in the performances of physical theater.

The use of visual techniques in Iraqi theatrical presentation

Engagement in global theater texts

The multiple functions of accessories in Kantor’s shows and their applications in the presentation of a staged play.

Department of Plastic Arts 2022-2023

Visual Employment in Contemporary Sculpture (Raed Farhan as a Model)

Aesthetics of composition in the drawings of Piet Mondrian

The invisible form in abstract art.

The Intellectual Significance in the Works of Symbolic Artists

Color analysis in impressionist school

Department of Art Education 2022-2023

Graduation research of Anfal Thalaj Mohammed Thalaj.
Using puppets in educational theater performances.
Research on form and content in the works of Nouri Al-Rawi by researchers Bilal and Omar (1) compressed.


Department of Performing Arts 2021-2022

The diversity of theatrical performances presented at the College of Fine Arts at the University of Mosul.

The intersection of existential philosophies between Antonin Artaud and Arrian Munchkin.

The symbol in the texts of the playwright Nahid Al-Ramadhani.

Department of Plastic Arts 2021-2022

Designs of building facades in the city of Mosul between the past and the present (a comparative study)

Meanings of symbols in contemporary Iraqi sculptural monuments

The phenomenon of visual pollution in commercial advertising / Mosul as an example.

Department of Art Education 2021-2022

The role of children’s theater in enriching the child’s psychological well-being.
The Marvelous in Children’s Theater
The performance role in educational theatrical presentation techniques.


Department of Performing Arts 2020-2021

Conflict transformations in monodramatic theatre texts
Representations of madness in monodrama texts 
Actor’s performance characteristics in street theatre show 
The theatrical presentation language in epic and celebratory theatre (a theoretical study) 
Aesthetics of spectatorship in Eastern theatre performances, Indian theatre as a model
Alienation in Epic Theater Performances
Performance characteristics in the Second Street Theater show
Character transformations in the performance of the monodramatic actor

Department of Plastic Arts 2020-2021

Stylistic Transformations in Qais Ibrahim’s Sculptures
The Mosul Environment in Rakan Dabdoub’s Drawings
Icons and Symmetries in Mahir Harbi’s Drawings

Department of Art Education 2020-2021

The Aesthetics of Moving Decor in Visual Education Department Presentations 
Popular Imagery in Contemporary Art: Najib Yunus as a Model 
Technical Processing in the Works of Yasir Al-Taie 
Utilizing Acting Techniques in Children’s Theater Performances
Aesthetics of Abstraction in Contemporary Iraqi Art
Decorative Aesthetics in Children’s Theater Productions in the Fine Arts Department
Dramatic Structure of Characters in Talal Hassan’s Theatrical Texts
Costumes Between Form and Content in Children’s Theater Performances
Dramatic Construction in Ibrahim Kulan’s Texts
The Aesthetic Value of Arabic Calligraphy in Contemporary Visual Art
Utilizing Puppets in Children’s Theater Productions
Humanization of Characters in Children’s Theater Performances