The content of lectures

Lecture models 2020-2021

Sources of the Code of Hammurabi

The seventh lecture is the history of law

Banking operations c1

current account

Contract of carriage lecture

Types of transport contract

chart at the parties to the contract of carriage

Obligations and rights of the carrier in the contract of carriage

Scheme of the obligations of the carrier in the carriage of things

Lecture on the obligations of the consignee and the effects of the passenger transport contract

Carriage Contract Lecture C4

Carriage Contract Scheme 1

Lecture on the obligations and rights of the sender in the contract of transport of things

Questions about the lecture 1

Lecture on commission agency contract c1

Scheme of the parties to the commission agency contract

Commission agency lecture 2 Effects of commission agency contract

Scheme of the effects of the commission agency contract

The first lecture of the guarantee

The second lecture is a guarantee

The third lecture is a guarantee

The fourth lecture is a guarantee

The fifth lecture is a guarantee

The sixth lecture is a guarantee

The seventh lecture is a guarantee

The eighth lecture is a guarantee

Special provisions for different types of rent

Contracting staff

Contractor’s obligations Commitment to complete the work Lecture 38 supplement

Lecture 1

Lecture 3.

Lecture 4

Lecture 5

Lecture 8

Lecture 17

Lecture 18

Lecture 19

Lecture 20

Lecture 33 Civil Contracts

Sixth lecture

Seventh lecture

The ninth lecture

Tenth lecture

Twenty-second lecture

Eleventh lecture

Lecture fifteen-1

Contracts – Lecture 23 – Effects of the Lease Contract

Contracts – Lecture 24

Contracts – Lecture 27

Lecture contracts28

Contracts-lecture 25

Contracts-lecture 26

Contracts lecture 39

40 contracts lecture

Contracts lecture 45

Contracts Lecture 46

Contracts lecture 2

Contracts lecture 12

Lecture contracts 13

Contracts lecture 16

Contracts lecture 29

Lecture 30 Transfer of Major Ownership

Lecture 31 The lease contract expires by the expiry of its term

Lecture 32 The expiration of the lease before the expiry of the period

Lecture 34 of the judicial applications of necessity

Lecture 35: The absence of the tenant’s need for rent


Lecture 37 Contract Contract

Lecture 38 pillars of entrepreneurship

Contracts Lecture 41

Contracts lecture 42

Lecture 46 Engineering Contracting Works Publishing and Advertising Contract

Simplified flowchart for Lecture 7 Seller’s Obligation to Transfer Ownership

Attachment 43 Subcontracting and Assignment of Contracting


Introducing human rights

the government

Human rights between Islamic law and Western legal thought

human rights sources

Introducing human rights

types of human rights

Sources of human rights and their divisions

Human duties and restrictions on the exercise of his rights

The merchant is a moral person

Commercial books c1

Commercial books c2

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Single Business Sequel Part 2

Merchant’s sequel and conditions, part 2

Continuation of the commercial register lecture 2

Lecture 1

Lecture 3 theories of the basis and scope of commercial law

Lecture 4 theories and standards of business

Lecture 5 The legal system for commercial work

Lecture 7, sequel to professional business, part 2

Lecture 9

Trade name lecture

Merchant Lecture and Conditions Part 1

Commercial Register Lecture Part 1

Unfair Competition Lecture Part 1

Unfair Competition Lecture Part 2

Lecture on the emergence of commercial law, part 2

Vacations, holidays and official holidays


Obligation to pay wages

Commitment not to compete with the employer

Vocational training

Employer obligations

Factors that led to the intervention of the state in regulating labor relations

Categories that are partially excluded from some special provisions of the applicable labor law

Restrictions on freedom of action

Advisory Committee

the first lecturer . Action

The eighth lecture, work inspection, part one

Twelfth lecture (events work)

The eleventh lecture (organizing the work of women)

Lecture Twenty-One _ Definition of the work contract and its elements

The project

Conclusion of the employment contract

State intervention in the social organization of a factory

Settlement of disputes in the Iraqi Labor Law in force, Article 721 first

Employment of foreigners

Definition of labor law and its subject

Organization of work in quarries

The validity of the labor law

Employer powers

The powers of the inspection committees (2) the eighth lecture

Probationary work contract

How the employment contract ends

The nature of the disciplinary error

Lecture on the effects of employment contract No. 24

The worker maintains the money in his custody

Sources of labor law

The place of labor law in the legal system (2)

The place of labor law in the legal system

Notes on the fourth lecture

Suspension and termination of the individual employment contract

Lecture 6 Solo Business Part 1

Lecture 6 types of business

2 chart

a plan

Questions about marine sales

Marine sales c

1 Obligations of the Buyer

Selling Seif Lecture Part 2 Effects of Selling

FOB Sales Lecture Part 1

FOB Sale Lecture Part 2

A full lecture on marine sales 1

Questions about the lecture

Insurance contract lecture 1

Scheme of the technical foundations of the insurance contract

Scheme of risk conditions in insurance

Questions about the lecture

Lecture on the conclusion of the insurance contract and its parties

Scheme of the elements of the insurance contract

Scheme of the parties to the insurance contract

Risk conditions chart as a solution to the insurance contract and as a technical basis

Questions about the lecture

Lecture on the insurance contract, part three, in completing the contract and the obligations of the insured

Scheme of the obligations of the insured

Scheme of the stages of completion of the insurance contract

Completion of the contract and the obligations of the insured

Questions about the lecture

Lecture C4

Insurance contract termination plan

Elements of the insurance contract, application and insurance policy

parties to the contract

Full insurance lecture

Questions on the subject of sources of commercial law

Commercial law resource chart

Sources of commercial law

1- Problems of the nationality of natural persons – loss of nationality

1- Problems of the nationality of natural persons – restoring nationality

1- The basis for determining the nationality of legal persons – companies

1- The basis for determining the nationality of natural persons – the nationality of incorporation

1- The basis of nationality

1- The historical and legal rooting of nationality

2- Elements of nationality

2- Problems of nationality of natural persons – loss of nationality

2- Problems of the nationality of natural persons – reclaiming nationality

2- The basis for determining the nationality of legal persons – companies

2- The ideal principles in nationality – the restrictions prescribed for the interest of states

2- The original nationality

3- Problems of nationality of natural persons – loss of nationality

3- The basis for defining the nationality of legal persons – associations and institutions

3- The ideal principles in nationality – the restrictions prescribed for the interest of individuals

3- The legal nature of nationality

4- Problems of nationality of natural persons – loss of nationality

Attachment 43 Subcontracting and Assignment of Contracting

Basis for determining acquired nationality – Acquisition of nationality by means of domestic law

Basis for determining acquired nationality – Acquisition of nationality through mixed marriage and dependency due to young age

Basis for determining acquired nationality – cases of naturalization

Basis for determining acquired nationality – Naturalization

Basis for determining acquired nationality

Basis for determining the acquired nationality – Completing the naturalization cases

Contracting staff


Contractor’s obligations Commitment to complete the work Lecture 38 supplement

Contracts – Lecture 23 – Effects of the Lease Contract

Contracts – Lecture 24

Contracts – Lecture 25

Contracts – Lecture 26

Contracts – Lecture 27

Contracts – Lecture 28

Domicile problems

Fifth lecture (2)

Fifth lecture

Habitat types


Human Rights (Second Course) (1)

Human rights (second course)

Human rights lectures 1

Human rights lectures 2

Human rights lectures 3

Human rights lectures 4

Lecture 1 History of Law

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3

Lecture 4

Lecture 5

Lecture 6

Lecture 7

Lecture 8

Lecture 9

Lecture 10

Lecture 11

Lecture 12

Lecture 13

Lecture 15

Lecture 16

Lecture 17

Lecture 18

Lecture 19

Lecture 20

Lecture 22

Lecture 29

Lecture 30 Transfer of Major Ownership

Lecture 31 The lease contract expires by the expiry of its term

Lecture 32 The expiration of the lease before the expiry of the period

Lecture 34 of the judicial applications of necessity

Lecture 35 The absence of the tenant’s need for rent [1]

Lecture 37 Contract Contract

Lecture 38 pillars of entrepreneurship

Lecture 41

Lecture 42

Lecture 46 Engineering Contracting Works Publishing and Advertising Contract

Lecture twelfth history of law

Legal guarantees for the holder of the nationality

m 39




Second course lecture – first lecture (3)

Simplified flowchart for Lecture 7 Seller’s Obligation to Transfer Ownership

Sources of private international law

Special provisions for different types of rent

The basis for determining the nationality of types of movables

The effects of acquiring citizenship

The eighth lecture is the history of law

The fifth lecture is the history of law

The fifth lecture. Hamo Rai

The first lecture on the sources of the Code of Hammurabi

The foreigner’s legal system – the historical development of the foreigner’s case

The fourth lecture is the history of law

The fourth lecture… Hammurabi’s Code

The ninth lecture, the first stage

The original nationality – the right of the territory

The problems arising from the foundations of nationality determination – the positive and negative conflict

The role of the domicile in the subjects of private international law

The second lecture, sections of Hammurabi’s law

The second lecture, Western comparative laws

The second lecture

The seventh lecture is the history of law

The sixth lecture is the history of law

The third lecture, systems of public law

Third lecture 2

Twelfth lecture

Definition of conflict of laws

Elements of conflict of laws

Elements of conflict of laws

Rules for resolving conflict of laws

Historical development of conflict of laws rules1

Historical development of conflict of laws rules 2

Attribution rules properties 2

Elements of the rules of attribution 1

The basis for applying the rules of attribution 3

Problems of applying the rule of attribution and conditioning 1

The law applicable to air conditioning 2

assignment part two Referral part one

Authorization c1

Authorization c2

Problems of applying the nationality law2

Scope of application of conflict rules1

The problem of applying the nationality law

Law applicable to eligibility 1

The law applicable to the effects of marriage and its termination 2

The law applicable to the formation of marriage1

The position of the Iraqi legislator on personal status and alimony 1

Relationships arising from death, inheritance and will

In-kind matters – movable funds

Matters of in-kind conditions – real estate funds

The law applicable to intangible funds

Law applicable to contractual obligations C1

Law applicable to contractual obligations Part 2

Law Applicable to Non-Contractual Obligations Part 1

Law Applicable to Non-Contractual Obligations Part 2

Cases of disabling the rules of conflict of laws – the national interest

Payment by public system c1

Payment by public system c2

Cheating towards the law c1

Cheating towards the law c2

The meaning of the foreigner and the legal rules governing the foreigner

Put the alien across the border

Sources of legal rules governing the case of foreigners

Types of entry features

residence and exit

Foreigner’s rights and obligations

Foreigner’s rights and obligations 2

Conflict of international jurisdiction

Legal restrictions on the exercise of international jurisdiction

Types of international jurisdiction

Criteria for determining international jurisdiction

The impact of the international character of the conflict in judicial procedures

The applicable law in the procedures

Conflict within the scope of indirect international jurisdiction

Fifth lecture

Seventh lecture

Sixth lecture

The eighth lecture

The first lecture of the guarantee

The fourth lecture

The second lecture is a guarantee

The third lecture

Addition to the operating lecture M6

Additions to the fifth lecture

C 7 vocational training

Fifteenth lecture 1

Fifth lecture

Fourteenth lecture (1)

Lecture on the effects of employment contract No. 24

Lecture Twenty-One _ Definition of the work contract and its elements

Nineteenth lecture

Notes on the fourth lecture

Seventeenth lecture


Sixteenth lecture

Tenth lecture

The eighteenth lecture

The eighth lecture, work inspection, part one

The eleventh lecture (organizing the work of women

the first lecturer . a job

The fourth lecture

The ninth lecture

The powers of the inspection committees (2) the eighth lecture

The second lecture

The third lecture without a date

The third lecture


Thirteenth lecture

Thirtieth Lecture

Twelfth lecture (events work)

Twentieth lecture

Twenty-eighth lecture

Twenty-fifth lecture

Twenty-ninth lecture

Twenty-second lecture

Twenty-seventh lecture

Twenty-sixth lecture

Twenty-third lecture

a plan

Lecture 6 Solo Business Part 1

Lecture 6 types of business

Scheme 2


Commercial law resource chart

Questions on the subject of sources of commercial law

Commercial books c1

Commercial books c2

Commercial Register Lecture Part 1

Continuation of the commercial register lecture 2

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3 theories of the basis and scope of commercial law

Lecture 4 theories and standards of business

Lecture 5 The legal system for commercial work

Lecture 7, sequel to professional business, part 2

Lecture 9

Lecture on the emergence of commercial law, part 2

Lecture( 1)

Merchant Lecture and Conditions Part 1

Merchant’s sequel and conditions, part 2

Single Business Sequel Part 2

The merchant is a moral person

Trade name lecture

Unfair Competition Lecture Part 1

Unfair Competition Lecture Part 2

Banking operations c1

current account 2

Carriage Contract Lecture Part 1

chart at the parties to the contract of carriage

Types of transport contract

Obligations and rights of the carrier in the contract of carriage

Scheme of the obligations of the carrier in the carriage of things

Lecture on the obligations of the consignee and the effects of the passenger transport contract

Lecture Contract of Transport C5

Scheme 1

Lecture on the obligations and rights of the sender in the contract of transport of things

Sender Obligations Scheme1

Lecture on commission agency contract

Commission agency lecture 2 Effects of commission agency contract

Scheme of the effects of the commission agency contract c1

Scheme of the parties to the commission agency contract

A full lecture on marine sales 1

FOB Sale Lecture Part 2

FOB Sales Lecture Part 1

Marine Sales Part 1

Questions about marine sales

Selling Seif Lecture Part 2 Effects of Selling

Insurance contract lecture 1

Questions about the lecture

Scheme of risk conditions in insurance

Scheme of the technical foundations of the insurance contract

Lecture on the conclusion of the insurance contract and its parties

Questions about the lecture

Risk conditions chart as a solution to the insurance contract as a technical basis

Scheme of the elements of the insurance contract

Scheme of the parties to the insurance contract

Lecture on the insurance contract, part three, in completing the contract and the obligations of the insur

Scheme of the obligations of the insured

Scheme of the stages of completion of the insurance contract

Insurance contract termination plan

Lecture C4